Cape May County’s Toolkit for Staying Open #Safely Together.
We have successfully reopened. Now we’re counting on everyone to stay open #SafelyTogether. Here you’ll find information and a handy toolkit to help us stay open safely.
We’re doin’ it #SafelyTogether
Make the Pledge!
Make the pledge and show your support for Staying Open #SafelyTogether. Pledge to follow CDC protocols (social distancing, mask wearing, and hand washing), keep up-to-date with best practices, support our local businesses, and do everything you can to keep yourself and others safe.
CLICK HERE if you’re a Cape May County business that wants to become a partner in our pledge to Stay Open #SafelyTogether.
Show your support of staying opening #SafelyTogether with a variety of designs to encourage your guests to be safe and practice social distancing. From general messages, to more specific placements regarding masks and keeping 6ft. apart, we’re offering several designs to fit your needs.
Spread your wings
Not the virus
Practice Social Distancing poster
Birds of a feather
don’t flock too close together
“Stand 6ft. Apart” poster
No Shoes.
No Shirt.
No Mask.
No Go.
“You must wear a mask to enter” poster
Suit Up. Mask Up.
“Itsy bitsy changes can make the biggest difference” poster
Flip Flops
“Stand 6ft. Apart” poster
Cape “Maynions”
Introducing the “Cape Maynions.” They love to do everything at the shore, but are always sure to do it #SafelyTogether.
View and download one of the various activities to promote your business this summer.
Share these assets on your social accounts to help Reopen Cape May County Safely Together. Be sure to use #SafelyTogether.
Sign off
Safely Together
Download the Safely Together animated GIF to use as your email signature.
Stick Together
Show your support of Reopening #SafelyTogether with the official CMC sticker. Sticker them on your bumper or store window. They’re available at various locations throughout the county, or download and print your own here.
Buttoned Up.
Print and create your own buttons to show your support for Moving Forward Safely Together.